Friday, August 14, 2020

Silver Ridge Lodge & RV Park - Easton, Washington


We are currently staying at the Silver Ridge Lodge, an RV park that allows horses. We are in an RV site with water & electric. The park has a dump station, so we can dump our black and gray water on our way out. There is a gas station next door where we can top off our propane. There is a diner and a coffee place next door as well. Ari walked over there this morning after feeding the horses and picked us up a couple of chai lattes. I feel incredibly spoiled.
The horses are sharing a large pasture. It is pretty much devoid of grass, but they have plenty of room to move around.
There is a water trough in the pasture. I filled it up and then Ari pointed out that it had a large hole and basically couldn't hold water. So, we brought over the water buckets we use for the horses and filled those up.

I hung our stall signs on the pasture fence so folks would be able to call out to our horses by name.
This is the trail map we got from the office. It is not very useful, but we were able to pick out the power lines, the airfield and locate the lake on our rides.

We are able to tack the horses up right at our campsite, so that's nice.
On Friday, a large family moved into the campsite behind us. We let the children give the horses cookies and gave pony rides to all the little ones.
The horses appreciated the cookies and the pets.
To get to the lake, you ride across a private airfield. This is the airfield.
Signs are posted all around the air strip so you know a small airplane might be coming in at any point.

The trails are well maintained even if they aren't marked. Because there are so many trails and they criss-cross, we cut up small sections of bale twine into ribbons and dropped them as we rode to use as breadcrumbs so we could find our way back.

You are allowed to swim with your horses in the lake. We had the lake all to ourselves. The only way to access this part of the lake is to hike or ride in. We didn't want to swim with our horses, but we did wade in the water a bit.
In other news, I got the collapsible desk I had ordered from Walmart. A leaf folds down so the desk fits in the space between the fridge and the door. When I want to work, I just rotate the desk, unfold the leaf and set up my laptop, monitor, etc. It is a lot more comfortable and then Ari has the dinette all to himself for his laptop. I am using a padded bridge chair that folds up to sit on. 

The RV park where we are staying is up for sale. Hopefully whoever buys it keeps it open for horse people as it is pretty popular.

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