Thursday, August 13, 2020

Cowboy Camp - Harry Osborne State Forest


Our next stop was recommended by The Trailmeister (who we actually met at a Horse Expo several years ago).

This is a perfect place for equestrians. Plenty of space for large rigs. Lots of trails. Quiet and private. You are boondocking - no water or electric or cell service, but it is such a wonderful place it is worth it.
There is a vault toilet. Non equestrians have found this place, but they keep to one side of the park away from the horse area. 
The campsite is free with the state Discover Pass. No rangers came by to bug us, so I expect anybody could camp for free as long as they want as long as they don't bother anybody.

There is a day use area for equestrians which sees four or five riders each day.

There is a creek that some campers drive to and take water from the creek and drive it back to camp. We carry a water tank in the tack room for the horses, so we had enough water to last through the stay. We use a transfer pump to fill the horse's water buckets, and it works great.

We set up a portable corral for the horses. There are high lines, but they are so tall I am not sure how you would tie to them. You would need a ladder or park your truck next to them and stand in the bed to tie up the line.

The trails are extensive. Enough riding for several days. We stayed two days and rode every day. It is easy to get lost, so carry a garmin or mark the trails.

The trails are well maintained and in good shape. Most are pretty easy. There are some downed trees, but if we hit an impassable trail, we just double backed and picked a new trail.

A family was camped next to us with no horses. The two girls were horse crazy, so the parents thought it would be fun to camp at a horse campsite. We let the two girls walk our horses around on their lead ropes so they could eat the grass.

Not sure who had a better time - the horses or the girls.

I really liked staying at the Cowboy Camp - especially the name. There is a private equestrian camp a little up the road, which charges and is also called Cowboy Camp.  That camp appeared to be doing a good business even though they also don't have water or electric. So, you can boondock for free at the state park or boondock and pay money at this private camp.

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