Friday, August 21, 2020

K Diamond K Ranch - the next day


Livestock wanders freely at the K Diamond K. It is a bit startling to see steerhead in the parking area.

These guys tried to get into the back of the trailer this morning. They were after the hay. Look at those horns! Luckily no damage to the trailer and they left peaceably.

This little miniature donkey liked hanging around our horses as they ate breakfast.

Did I mention the bunny rabbits? They are everywhere.

In the morning, guests can help milk the dairy cows.

Kids can feed the baby calf.
The views on the trails were pretty wonderful.

We put boots on both horses for the second day's trail ride. My horse (on the left) is wearing Scoot Boots with Cavello socks. Ari's horse (on the right) is wearing Cavallo boots with Cavallo socks. The socks keep them from getting sores from the boots rubbing on their skin. They were a lot happier wearing boots during the ride.

The alpacas liked hanging out with us.

This little Tuxedo kitten hung out with me while I was playing bridge with some friends on my laptop.

Did I mention the pigs wandering around?

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