Monday, August 24, 2020

Second day in Riverside State Park

 On our second day at Riverside State Park, we did our morning ride on the other side of the park going through the day rider area and then along the river. The trails were a bit rockier and as we climbed up the ridge parallel to the river, the trails got very narrow. Narrow to the point Ari felt he had to dismount and walk, so we turned around at that point and called it done.

You can see a peek of the river in the upper left of this picture, but mostly you can see how narrow the trails got.
We rode past the sewage treatment plant. No smells and it was pretty cool to see.

You can see the Spokane River on the left.
Ari, Lennox and the Spokane River in the background
After lunch, we decided to play tourist a bit. We have never been to Spokane, so we wanted to see a bit of it. We opted to do the Numerica Skyride - a cable ride that takes you over the Spokane Falls.

This is a video of the falls.
After the ride over the waterfalls, we walked down to visit the Garbage Goat.

Basically, there is a button on the right side of the goat (you can see it in the picture) that turns on a vacuum. You can then put garbage in the goat's mouth and the vacuum sucks up the garbage. As I recall, the San Diego Zoo has a similar statue that ate garbage.
I am sure little kids find this goat highly amusing.

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