Friday, August 28, 2020

Last Day at the Flying Moose and Battle Scars on Mercy

 In the dark, I hadn't been able to fully check Mercy, but the next morning as we saddled up I could see that when Mercy jumped the rail, he had scraped both rear legs going over. 

This is one reason you groom and check your horse before saddling up. It's an opportunity to look for any wounds your horse may have gotten overnight. The scrapes weren't deep enough to require stitches. Mostly I worry about infections and scarring. I cleaned the wounds and sprayed on a protective band-aid to keep the flies out. He isn't lame and he was able to ride.
We rode some old logging trails Tammy showed us the previous night.

Said a final farewell to Lake Rogers and stopped to eat some of the grass on the shore.

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