Thursday, August 27, 2020

Midnight Escape at the Flying Moose

 We knew when we arrived that the corral our hosts were providing was risky. See how Mercutio is leaning over that top rail. We said - if our horses wanted to, they could just jump over and be out.

1 am this morning we heard running hoofbeats. We got dressed in a hurry and went out. Sure enough, Lennox was still in the corral, but Mercutio was AWOL. Lennox was fit to be tied. He was pacing and upset. I don't know if he was worried over Mercutio or upset that Mercutio was having a walkabout without him. I searched and searched and couldn't find him. Then, Ari heard noises on the hill above us. Sure enough, Mercutio was up there eating grass. He let me catch him easily. We thought about tying the horses to the trailer for the night, but that would be kind of hard on them, so we brought out the portable corral. We put our portable corral up to block the low rails and keep the horses in. We were back in bed by 2 am.

I am glad both horses are safe and that should be a lesson to us...if our gut tells us that a corral isn't secure - bring out the portable corral. We've done it before, so it's not like we don't know better.

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