Friday, August 7, 2020

Layton Hills Horse Camp

Here are the horses in their corral at the horse camp. We added a panel from our corral to expand their area.

Before our ride, we warmed the horses up on the obstacle course. This is Mercy and me going through the car wash obstacle. It simulates you having to go through low branches and brush, so the horse is used to feeling stuff on his sides and back as you ride.

This is Ari and Lennox climbing over large tires. Simulating crossing logs or other obstacles.

Starting the trail ride. It started out easy. We did the Sage Trail, which was a little over an hour loop. The trail had places that were overgrown and lots of downed trees. It was well marked with trail ribbon. We joked that the reason they have an obstacle course is to get you warmed up for the trail.

There is also a play ground for kids, including a small sand box. Ari tested out the tire swign.

Another picture from the trail.

This is what the trail head looked like from the campsite.


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