Thursday, April 15, 2021

Exploring Las Cruces, New Mexico


Happiness emanates from our horses as they enjoy and relax in a pasture with grass.

Ari took my horse out and rode next to the Rio Grand River. He enjoyed seeing all the water fowl. Lots of egrets, blue herons, and sand pipers.

Two more weeks (fingers crossed) before I can get back in the saddle.
Wednesday was our day to play tourist. We started with lunch at La Posta - one of the oldest restaurants in the United States.
The story is that the building had been a stage coach stop and post office.
There was a big celebration for the Gadsen Purchase - which happened June 8, 1854. The US purchased the land that became New Mexico from Mexico. 
A 19 yr, named Katy Griggs set up a food booth to sell food during the celebration (speeches, a band, etc.) She was so successful running the booth, she ran out of food.
Her uncle was so impressed he sold her the building for $1 plus hugs and affection.
The restaurant remains family owned and has expanded quite a bit.

The front of the restaurant has a large aviary filled with Macaws and parrots.
The restaurant is filled with artwork. Lots of eye candy to look at while you eat.
The food was pretty good, not the best Mexican food we have ever had, but a good experience overall.
We walked through the Mesilla area and saw where Billy The Kid was tried and hung.

We did some shopping and contributed to the local economy. Ari bought a couple of tee shirts and a new coffee mug. We have Chai in the morning and his coffee mug was too small for him to get his fair share of tea. I bought a painting which we will have to ship to Benjamin to store for us while we travel.

We visited Coas, a large used bookstore, and I bought a few books to read. My cousin's latest YA novel was featured front and center by the cash register, much to my surprise.

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