Monday, September 7, 2020

Madison Fairgrounds - Rexburg, Idaho

 County fairgrounds are the go-to place to stop when there are no ranches. campsites, or horse motels available. So, to keep our drive down to under four hours, we are spending the night at the fairgrounds in Rexburg, ID.

The horses are sharing a large corral and seem pretty happy.

It took some searching but we were able to find the water source for our horses, so the horses have water. Water is located next to the arena by the grandstand. Ari found a 50A connection so we could have electricity and not have to run the generator. That's located on the side of the building behind the grandstands. Otherwise, we are drycamping - using water from our trailer's tank and no sewer hook-up. We plan to empty our black and gray water tanks tomorrow morning.

In other news, sometime during our drive from the ranch in Anaconda, MT and the fairgrounds, the electrical box for our bale bucker was damaged.
Pretty sure this is on Ari.

We used bale twine (cowboy duct tape) to re-attach the box to the ladder. I will have to contact the Bale Bucker guy and see about how to get it repaired when we are wintering in Arizona. Luckily, the wiring appears to be intact, but we won't know for certain until we bring down the next bale of hay.
We went grocery shopping and got gas, but when we got back to the fairgrounds it was starting to rain and high winds were picking up.
The trailer is swaying in the wind - which is a bit scary. The sound of the wind, the trailer swaying and watching everything outside moving in a horizontal direction is concerning.

I checked and they are predicting winds up to 55 mph up until 11 tonight. So, of course, I had to check to see how strong the winds need to be to pick up or damage the trailer. The good news is that winds need to be closer to 100 mph to pick up a trailer our size. However, if we were driving, winds of 45 mph and up could pick the trailer. So, now we know if we experience high winds, we need to get off the road and park until the winds die down.
Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be back to what passes for normal and we will be heading to Jackson, WY - one of our favorite places to ride.

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