Thursday, September 17, 2020

Horseman Haven - Lava Hot Springs, Idaho


Well, if we weren't going on this journey we would never get to explore small places like Lava Hot Springs, Idaho and get to experience the hospitality of people like Larry & Jennie Housley at the Horseman Haven. 
Our horses got a large corral.
They had horses nearby acting as the Welcoming Party to let them know that they were safe and would be just fine.

Lennox went down for a roll once he had acknowledged the other horses.

Our trailer got parked right next to the corral. We have full hook-up - water, electric, and sewer.
It was in the mid-80s, so we waited until dusk for Larry to take us on a guided ride through the hills above his ranch. No real trails, mostly bushwhacking through the grass and brush.

Here's Larry, talking on the phone. Larry is a farrier, so he needed to talk to a client about a booking.

Larry had to open a cattle gate for us - this is one of those barbed wire fences that just hook onto the post.
The next morning Larry trailered us to a neighbor's property, Aldrus Ranch. We wanted to ride in the morning before it got too hot.
The owners are in their 80s and still active cattle ranchers. We rode through their property to East Bob Smith Trail.

I don't know if you can see the cattle in the distance scurrying out of the way. There were cattle pretty much everywhere the entire ride.

Along the way, we passed this hunting camp. Two young hunters were breaking camp. They had transported all their gear on two ATVs to the camp. Larry told us this campsite has been around for decades for hunters to use. 

One of the hunters told us they had only bagged one deer, so it was not a great trip for them.

The fall colors are starting to appear and it is really pretty.

There was this nice little water crossing where the horses could get a drink.

After the ride, we had lunch back at our LQ, then headed into Lava Hot Springs to enjoy the mineral springs.

The landscaping for the grounds is very pretty. It makes it relaxing and meditative. It only cost us $11 to use the pools. Because it was in the middle of the day in the middle of the week, there were only about 10 people there. It was well spread out, so we weren't close to anybody. The pools start at 112 degrees! Too hot for us. Then go down, 106 degrees, then 104 degrees, then 102 degrees, than 100 degrees.

There are benches to sit on, but on lounge chairs. It would be nicer with lounge chairs. Otherwise, no complaints.

The mineral pools are similar to the ones in Napa. Very relaxing.

Lava Hot Springs is a really tiny town. There are also water slides and water parks for kids. Those looked closed, but are supposedly packed on the weekends. No masks, no social distancing to speak of. Ari and I were the only ones wearing masks when we were walking about.

Highly recommend this place as a layover or weekend trip for horse people. Steve, their son, is a Natural Horsemanship trainer and he regularly runs clinics there. 

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