Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Lava Hot Springs, Idaho - the Horseman's Haven


On Tuesday, we left Jackson, WY and started south to our next stop. We pulled over to eat lunch and spotted this sign. It's hunting season and many bird hunters are shooting grouse and other local birds. Rangers are asking the hunters to cut off one wing from any bird they shoot and then deposit the wing into the blue container. They then use the wings to conduct a type of census on which birds are being killed, their age, etc. While we were there, the ranger in charge of gathering the decapitated wings drove up to check the container. What an awesome job that must be! Can you imagine putting that on your resume? I collected decapitated wings, no, not the entire bird, no, just the wings.

We arrived at Horseman Haven in Lava Hot Springs in the early afternoon. We have a full hook-u for our LQ - water, electric, and sewer. The horses are sharing a large arena. They even have a couple of other horses greeting them as the Welcome Wagon. There are trails close by and off the property. It is in the low 80s and getting hotter, but we are hoping to do a ride in the late afternoon when it gets a bit cooler. We will visit the mineral hot springs tomorrow.

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