Friday, September 24, 2021

Wolf Creek Trail Ranch - Correctionville, Iowa


No RV Dump at Turkey Creek Ranch and no RV dump where we were headed, but luckily Sioux City Park was three miles before our destination and only a slight detour, so we stopped there to dump our tanks.

Wolf Creek Trail Ranch is a working cattle ranch and horse motel. 
Cindy, the owner, is a lovely host. Our horses got large pens - 20 ft x 10 ft. No cover.
Mostly, I was looking for a layover stop to break up our drive.
Our LQ was parked next to the large rodeo arena. We had electric hook-up and water close by.
Cindy and Ari rode through the 400 acres on the property. They were riding through Cindy's herd of cattle, so I stayed behind. I didn't want to risk my horse spooking and bolting on me.
Ari said it was a wonderful ride and Cindy is a great guide.
They had more acreage, but their property taxes keep going up and the price of cattle is not going up to keep up with the property taxes. The County has been nibbling on their property to pay for the back taxes. That seems a shame. Cindy also told Ari that the cows are expected to birth at least one calf a year or they will get sold as the only way they can maintain the herd is if they keep up with the number of cattle they have to sell in order to pay the bills.
Ranching is a hard life.

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