Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Wild Horse Equestrian Campground - Angeles Forest California

Crossing the border back into California, we had to go through the border stop.  The agent checked our horses' travel papers and wrote down the license numbers for our truck and our trailer.
 We spent one night at the Wild Horse Equestrian Campground.

This was a really nice campground and I would have been happy to spend more than one night.

The corrals were in good condition and not too dirty.  The horses seemed happy in their spaces.
Mercutio relaxed in his corral.
It took us about an hour to set up camp and then we went on a short ride.
Sunrise was beautiful at the campsite.
The campsite has showers, toilets, water, picnic benches, and fire rings.
The trails were mostly sand.  They were overall well maintained.  There weren't many trail signs and the trail map at the campground was hard to read, but we were able to get two nice rides in before we broke camp and moved on.

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