Monday, July 15, 2019

Paso Robles

Our last stop before we returned home was visiting our friends, Bob and Midge, in Paso Robles.  Bob and Midge live in a cohousing community.

It kind of reminded me of a kibbutz.  Each family lives in a nice townhouse, but every adult member of the community must volunteer three hours per month to support the community.  There is a community garden, a playground, a small library, and a community kitchen and dining room.  There is a workshop where residents can access a library of shared tools.  There is a small playroom for children with shared toys.  There is a collection of bikes and other riding toys for kids.

There are a couple of small guest rooms where visitors can spend the night, so Ari and I slept in one of the guest rooms.  We spent most of our time with Bob and Midge playing bridge.

The night before we left went to see the Munro art installation called Sensorio.
Overall, it was a successful trip.  Both horses were extremely happy to return to their regular stalls.

Ten months before we hit the road for our bigger trip around the country!

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