Sunday, June 9, 2013

Riding by Lake Washoe

Oberon takes a drink from Lake Washoe near Carson City

Saturday night finds us back in Carson City, Nevada.  The temps are in the high 90s.  We waited until 6 pm to let things cool down before we rode.  We rode through the dunes.  The lake was calm, so we were able to ride next to the water.  Normally, Oberon doesn't like riding right on the beach due to the waves.  Laertes made several stops to drink from the lake.

On the way out of the barn, a large grey mare leaned out of her stall and took a large bite out of my thigh as I rode past.  Ari scolded me for riding too close to a strange horse's stall.  My left thigh is now swollen like a grapefruit and turning lovely shades of blue and purple.  The skin wasn't broken.  Just bruised.  I iced it when we got back to the hotel room and icing it this morning.

For those people who think I am supposed to sue or even complain to the barn manager....most states post a notice that when you enter a barn/stables/area where there are livestock, you do so at your own risk.  Horses bite and kick and we have been hearing from barn managers all along the journey about how bratty their horses are, so I should have been more careful and made a wide berth around any horse I don't know.

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