Thursday, June 6, 2013

From Pocatello, Idaho to Winnemucca, Nevada

This picture is for Isaiah...this is a calf at the barn we stayed in Pocatello, ID.  This baby is smaller than our German Shepherd, Shara.

This is a Welsh pony at the Pocatello barn. 

Oberon loaded in the trailer, Laertes is behind him.

Taking a break at the McDonald's in Elko.

Relaxing at the C Horse Ranch in Winnemucca
Today was our roughest travel day of the trip - six hours of driving through the desert in 90 degree heat.  We took the horses out of the trailer in Elko and let them graze at the lawn next to McDonalds.

Both horses were happy to finally get to the barn.  No trail rides today...both horses and riders were happy to just be out of a moving vehicle.

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