Saturday, June 22, 2019

Austin, Nevada

Leaving Fallon, Nevada, we headed east towards Austin. Nevada.  On our way to our next stop, we spent some time at the Bob Scott Summit in the Toyaibe National Forest.  We learned about the trails from this article by The TrailMeister

It was fairly easy to locate the Bob Scott campground which is across the street from the summit overlook.  We parked outside the campground because there is a cattleguard which the horses can't cross.  There is a small pull-out where we could pull the trailer in.  There is a small gate made of barbed wire which you need to open and close in order to access the trails.

Lennox and Mercutio waiting to get saddled up

Mercutio posing for the camera - this is his best side

You can see the small barbed wire gate in the background

This is what the scenery was like on the trails.  Not a lot of trees, but it was only 64 degrees - in Nevada - in mid-June.  There was a nice breeze and that made for a pleasant ride.  The elevation is around 7,000 feet so the air is a little thinner, but a lot cleaner.  The trails were hard pack and sand.  Not too rocky.  

There was still some patches of snow on the mountaintops.

We spent the night at the Paradise Ranch Castle about 30 miles east of the Bob Scott Campground.  

This place is a real find.  We set up our portable horse corral for the two horses.  It is only $125 per night and the host - Donna - is fabulous.

Here are the horses in their portable corral with the castle in the background.  The shade area was already set up, we just added our corral to it.  We are using a Corrals-2-Go corral.  The set up was really easy and quick and the horses are secure.

Here is another view of the castle with the mountains in the distance.

The castle is beautifully furnished and decorated.
Donna has put a lot of thought into every room.  

We booked the master bedroom suite with private bath.  The bathroom featured a jacuzzi tub.  The room was huge!  In fact, most of the rooms in the castle are over-sized.  It's a joy just wandering around the castle and exploring. 

Downstairs there is a "dungeon" with a jukebox, pool table and full bar.
Ari figuring out what to play on the jukebox.

The bar is fully stocked.  There are also card tables for playing poker.

The view from the turret.

Ari and I were so happy to stay here.  The horses enjoyed their stay as well.  So, if you are ever in the Austin, Nevada area, be sure to stay here with your horses - but bring a portable corral.

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