Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Laertes was a bit traumatized at the corral in Fallon.  The barn manager had rigged electrical tape around the corral.  Laertes leaned too far over the water trough and accidentally sparked.  He was extremely upset and refused to go near any water.

We moved him over to his stall and put water in our collapsible bucket that we use on trail rides.  Laertes would then touch the bucket with the tip of his nose to make sure it wouldn't spark before he took a drink.

It sprinkled off and on, so we weren't able to do any riding.  Instead, we ended up going to a movie at the Fallon Theatre.  The theatre in the downtown area has not been upgraded since the 1960s.  They still use an old-fashioned projector and sound system.  The seats are similar to folding chairs with no cup holders.  The screen is up on a small stage with curtains.  It was a blast from the past.  Ari & I felt like we were kids again.  As we left the theatre, we felt we were going "Back to the Future".

At the Bakery Cafe where we had breakfast in Fallon, Nevada.  This was mounted next to the cashier.  The local Republican Women's group is holding a raffle and the prize is a Ruger LCR revolver.  I can't even imagine something like this happening in the bay area.

After six hours on the road, we finally arrived at Elko, Nevada and our next barn.  Laertes peers out at me from the corral.

Oberon was very happy to get out of the trailer and able to stretch his legs.

Those are thunder clouds overhead - so once again it doesn't look like we'll be able to trail ride.  Luckily, this place has a covered arena, so we can saddle up and ride in the arena to get any kinks out of the horses.

Ari saddles up Oberon.

We let Laertes and Oberon share their stall after the ride in the arena.  They are happier bunking together.

Tomorrow we head into Idaho. 

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